Put-in-Bay News December 2018

Coopers Woods Update – Almost There!

In May of this year, a Letter of Intent was signed by a majority of the three DeRivera Park Trustees to sell Cooper’s Woods to the Lake Erie Islands Conservancy. On September 6, 2018, the LEIC has received a large grant from the Conservation Fund toward the purchase of Cooper’s Woods. On October 25, 2018, a conditional purchase agreement was signed between the DeRivera Park Trustees and the Lake Erie Islands Conservancy (LEIC.)

On November 14, 2018, the Clean Ohio Conservation Fund awarded the LEIC the grant funds needed for the second half of the purchase price for Cooper’s Woods and pay for the necessary purchase expenses! There are still have some conditions to meet for DeRivera Park and for the granting agencies before the sale is finalized. But we are so close and excited to report this good news!!! We wish to thank the DeRivera Park Trustees for working with us to sell and preserve the woods. We are grateful to all the members of the Friends of Coopers Woods, Lake Erie Islands Conservancy and the whole community who have been working for this for so long! The Friends of Cooper’s Woods is actively supporting the efforts of the Lake Erie Islands Conservancy to Save Cooper’s Woods. We are hoping to have more good December 2018 news soon!

Put-in-Bay News December 2018 Briefs

Panel to decide suspension

The Ohio Supreme Court has appointed a 3-judge panel which will decide on whether Put-in-Bay mayor Mack McCann will be suspended before the outcome of his ethics violations trial which is now scheduled for late February. The Put-in-Bay Mayor Was Charged with several felonies after a lengthy investigation.

Man injured in Labor Day 2016 brawl dies The man who was injured in an altercation at the Jet Dock in September 2016 has died. Karl Goss, 55, suffered brain injuries during a Labor Day brawl which left him permanently disabled and on a ventilator until his death Nov. 12th. Police have been unable to find witnesses who might help solve the mystery of what exactly happened to Goss. A civil suit is scheduled to go before a jury in September 2019.

Could there be no more voting at Put-in-Bay? Officials from the Ottawa County Board of Elections want to close the polling location on South Bass Island and have islanders either vote by absentee ballot or vote at the Board of Elections office in Oak Harbor in future elections. The Village wrote a letter to election officials saying they were opposed to eliminating the polling place at Put-in-Bay.

Christmas Decorations

John and Paula Ladd were the first on the island to put up Christmas decorations this year. It seemed like Halloween was hardly over. Before Thanksgiving, there were decorations in the Village Park and at the Crew’s Nest and a couple of other places on the island. This year’s Christmas Lights contest judging will take place on Friday evening, December 14th, so make sure you have your lights up by then. This year, a group of island youngsters will be handling judging duties it was reported to News December 2018

Great Items Still Available

Thanks, everyone for supporting the Lake Erie Islands Conservancy Christmas Bazaar! It was very successful-thanks to Susan Byrnes and Amy Huston for organizing a great event! Thanks to all the vendors who participated as well. If you still need a gift for someone for Christmas, there are still cool handmade slippers made by Tracy Burgess, a table made from the wood of the barn at the Massie Cliffside Preserve (Bruckner barn), Middle Bass Music Festival and LEIC T-shirts for sale. They are still selling raffle tickets on a colorful afghan made by Tracy until our Christmas Potluck at the South Bass Island Lighthouse on December 10th when they will draw the winner! Contact Lisa Brohl at 419-366-2087 if you wish to buy any of these items,

Hints of Things to Come in 2019

Besides a new Put-in-Bay ferry coming in 2019, we’re hearing of other things to come next year as well. Tipper’s and the Beer Barrel Saloon have some work going on that will change things up a bit. Mr. Ed’s has a new “tree house” bar going in on the property behind Lovella’s. There’s are new steps leading to the Goat’s Biergarten, Das Lokal, from the parking area up above. There will be a new watering system for the flower baskets in the park if the Garden Club’s efforts come to fruition. People will be flocking to explore the newly discovered shipwreck in Lake Erie. We expect to see local and state officials place a heavier emphasis on boating safety on Lake Erie. All these changes keep Put-in-Bay As A Top Ten Vacation Destination!

Christmas Bazaar A Success!

The rain and sleet didn’t deter the turnout for the Annual Christmas Bazaar held Thursday, Nov. 15th, at the Town Hall. A continual flow of shoppers packed the room visiting more than 20 tables of local arts and crafts including bird seed, knitted items, succulent plants, jewelry, homemade skincare products, local photography, watercolors, merchandise made from used sails, batik pot holders, decorative wood cutting
boards, furniture made from Massie barn, soup, baked goods, jellies, and peanut brittle to name just a few.

Thank you to the following vendors: Amy Huston, Sandi Glauser, Jackie Taylor, Kate Ptak, Peggy Leopold, John Lowery, Lisa Brohl and Susan Byrnes of LEINWC, Lisa and Russ Brohl, Tracy Burgess, Gene and Pam Zajac and Mike and Susan Byrnes of LEIC, Kendra Koehler and Dan Savage of LEIHS, Kelly Mohn and Woody Widmar of Lake Erie Islands Browns Backers, Russell Brohl, Christina and Rick Brown, Kelly Faris, Jessie Green, Jill Cooks, Brenda Nemec, Kate Ptak, Christie Ontko, Kelly Dress and Mikayla Coe Saunders of Stone Lab, Ashley Rill and Audrey Socha, Heather Durdil, Caroline Jackson, Kate Byrnes and Jacob King of Class of 2022, Zoe Zura, Karin Kirsh, Cecilia Glauser, Hannah Lentz, Joseph Byrnes and Alex Knauer of Class of 2020. Also, thank you to the Village of Put-in-Bay for the use of the Town Hall. Additional thanks to the Butterfly House Gift Shop, Put-in-Bay Restaurants Reel Bar, Topsy Turvey and Tipper’s for opening their doors for the event. And last, but not least, THANK YOU to all the shoppers that came out to support our locals despite the lousy weather… it
wouldn’t have been a success without you

Our story on the Put-in-Bay Grocery bills declining sure could have been a repeat this month with all of the holiday gatherings the food & beverages were plentiful!