Over the last 8 years, advertising with the visitputinbay.org family of websites has received as many as 850,000 documented unique visitors in a single month. Our family of websites covers a wide variety of Put-in-Bay Services from hotels and resorts to Put-in-Bay Fishing, Boating, and shopping.
Are you in the travel, tourism, or entertainment business, or do you have a business in the Lake Erie Islands region and wish to increase sales? Your business advertising could get hit here too! Advertising be it web-based or mobile is the wave of the future. Can you afford not to be seen?
Advertising opportunities include several pricing packages that can include a custom-designed web page or site for your business by our top-notch designers and placement in the section of our website(s) that best suits your needs. Our websites are designed in a format that YOU the owner can manage without the need to constantly call a web designer to make changes. Our easy to follow programs make managing your website as easy as click, type, and save. If a section does not yet exist on our website for your business we may be able to create one for your business.
All advertiser revenues are re-invested into SEO strategies and paid listing services such as Google, Bing, AOL, and other search engines that keep our sites ranked in the top ten in all major search engines. Our SEO experts can take your existing site (in some cases) and optimize it for maximum exposure.
There are very low hosting fees, very low-cost web page development, and you can update your page 2 times per year if we manage(or more at additional cost) or we can teach you how to do your own!. All website stats are made available to paid advertisers. If e-commerce is a part of your sales strategy we can provide you with the ability to accept credit cards online for goods and services in a safe, secure environment.
For additional advertising opportunities, website development or SEO work please e-mail us.