Put-in-Bay Church News September 2018

News from St. Paul’s Church

A Busy September-Church News September 2018 was another busy month at St. Paul’s. Several building projects took place as well as serving as a place for several gatherings of Episcopalians. St Paul’s hosts the teens from several nearby Episcopal Churches for an afternoon of kayaking each fall. Twenty youth and chaperones came on the best weather weekend of the month to enjoy the bay and consume large quantities of Put-in-Bay Pizza. The clergy of the nearby Episcopal churches gathered at St. Paul’s on September 27th for their regular meeting and to explore the island as reported in the Put-in-Bay News For September 2018

A third group was scheduled to come the weekend of the nor’easter but chose to stay on the mainland. St. Paul’s continues to offer labyrinth workshops and tours of the historic building. Several groups came in September to hear about the church. Workshops and tours can be scheduled by contacting the church office. St. Paul’s 154th anniversary of the organization of the parish was held Sunday, Sept 30th. The church building was erected the summer after the parish was established in 1864. The Oberlin String Quartet played for St. Paul’s 154th Anniversary. We celebrated the baptism of Parker Berman on September 23rd.

Church Repair Work

The congregation continues to care for the church historic building. Earlier in 2018, we recognized there was a leak in the roof of the bell tower which was especially noticeable after the nor’easter at the beginning of the summer. The parish vestry selected a roofer to replace the bell tower roof which included removing several layers of previous roofing material and placing a new rubber coated roof on the bell tower. This was also an opportunity to add additional bracing where some of the original support beams had been exposed to the elements over time. The parish is especially grateful to those who have supported the “Planting For Tomorrow” campaign held over the past five years. These funds allowed the repair work to take place. Additional contributions to help maintain the historic building are also welcome.

Outreach Commission

The Outreach Commission met in September. At their meeting, they celebrated the collection of a 2nd five-gallon bucket of pull tabs for Ronald McDonald House in 2018. St. Paul’s is beginning a third bucket. The outreach committee made plans for the 2019 employee
welcome event at St. Paul’s and they have started getting the food pantry stocked for the winter. Donations for the food pantry are welcome, especially if you have unexpired canned you are cleaning out of your summer cottage. The first fall shopping trip was a lot of fun according to those who made the purchases.


St. Paul’s uses FLOCKNOTE to communicate with church members. If would like to receive our FLOCKNOTEs by e-mail, please send an e-mail to stpaulspib@frontier.com . Delegates Elected The parish vestry elected three delegates and two alternates to our Diocesan Convention
to be held Nov 9-10 in Cleveland. They are Candy Baker, Wes Baker, and Bob White. Alternates are Chip Duggan and Jessie Greene.

St. Paul’s Annual Pet & Animal Blessing

Sunday, October 7th, from 4 to 4:30 p.m. Each year, on Sunday closest to St. Francis Day (October 4th) we gather to give thanks for all God’s creatures and especially our pets; and the joy they share with their humans. The custom of blessing animals in early October connects us to Francis of Assisi who was known for his love for all creatures. Francis wrote a Canticle of the Creatures, an ode to God’s living things. “All praise to you, Oh Lord, for all these brother and sister creatures.” His sister, Clare of Assisi, is often pictured with a cat. We will gather on the churchyard near the labyrinth (weather permitting). In the case of marginal weather, we will gather in the rectory garage area. Dogs and cats must be on a leash, not longer than six feet long, or in a pet carrier. All animals from hamsters to camels are welcome. Bullfrogs, sea snakes, llamas, and guinea pigs may join us. Many Episcopal Churches, including St. Paul’s, Put-in-Bay, also offer prayers for pets who have died and for the burial of a pet. You can contact the church office if you would like prayers at the death of a pet. “Blessed are you, Lord God, maker of all living creatures. You called forth fish in the sea, birds in the air and animals on the land. You inspired St. Francis to call all of them his
brothers and sisters. We ask you to bless this pet. By the power of your love, enable it to live according to your plan. May we always praise you for all your beauty in creation. Blessed are you, Lord our God, in all your creatures! Amen.” Maggie May (Hartzel) says there is no dress code for the blessing of the pets. Just “come as you are!” More info to follow in the Put-in-Bay Diary for September 2018

Mother of Sorrows Church News September 2018

Fr. Jeff Smith has been assigned as our new Presbyteral Moderator and Chaplain. After October 1st there we will no longer have Saturday night Mass at Mother of Sorrows, also, there will not be a Saturday night Mass at St. Michael’s at Kelley’s Island. The Mass at Town Hall on
Sundays will also be stopped. On Sundays at 10:30 A.M there will be a Mass at Mother of Sorrows. Also, there will be a 9:00 A.M. Mass at St. Michael’s Kelleys Island. On Saturday, October 20th at 2 P.M. at Mother of Sorrows, there will be a Wedding between Zachary Kowalski and Jacqueline Keane. Deacon Mike to officiate. On Sunday, October 21st we will start our Confirmation Class at Mother of Sorrows. On November 1st Services for All Saints will be 11 A.M. Kelley’s Island. Also, 5:30 P.M. at Mother of Sorrows.

ST. JOHN@THE BAY Church News September 2018

During the month of October, we are moving to our Fall-Winter-Spring schedule. Please take note
of the worship times listed below. This change takes place as the Miller Boat schedule is curtailed as we
make our way into Winter and beyond. Worship will be held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month
at 3:00 pm.

We invite you to join us on Sunday afternoons for worship. We gather at Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church on Catawba Avenue. Providing leadership for worship will be Pastor Jim Lehman. Holy Communion is celebrated each time we gather. Bible study continues during the Fall and Winter, contact Val Kowalski for details.